what readers said
This is a powerful book, both moving and informative, heart-wrenching yet full of hope. The great thing is that the style is very readable. I believe parents with kids with special needs will be encouraged. Teachers like myself can also learn a great deal from these stories. And finally, I'd like students in my school to read the book because it will help them understand classmates who are on the spectrum. May God use this book to bless many.
Lucy Toh, Educator
The stories you have published came alive for me as I have an autistic grand-nephew. I admire the love, strength, determination and dedication of the parents who told their stories of bringing up autistic children. It is also encouraging to read the heart-warming accounts by some of the autistic children themselves. Indeed, as the parents themselves proudly proclaim: autistic children are special. Your book will help many people to better appreciate autistic children and their parents.
Goh Chok Tong, Emeritus Senior Minister, Singapore
For me, reading this book was tough because it got so emotional. The stories are all so real and raw, and there isn't always a happy ending, yet they do capture the reality that families have to deal with everyday. I’m sure that families affected by autism would be able to relate to these stories, which have raised my awareness of autism to a yet different level.
Paula Teo, Senior Manager, Autism Association (Singapore)
You have great stories. They encapsulate the experiences of parents and people on the autism spectrum in easy-to-read segments. In fact the writing in Come into My World is so good that I wonder if I can get permission from you to share these stories in the autism courses I teach.
Stephen Mark Shore, Assistant Professor of Education, Adelphi University
The stories in this book give me first-hand glimpses into the world of autism. Reading them helps me relate better with my nephew who has mild autism. I am reminded that he is a blessing and gift from God, even when he throws tantrums and makes difficult demands. I am also very encouraged by the parents of autistic children - the sacrifices they make to help their kids survive better and their determination to find the best treatment. Above all, it's heartening to read about autistic individuals who overcame their shortcomings to excel as adults.
Lee Su Min, Market Researcher
It doesn't take a lot of effort to make a difference to the community around you. Small steps can make a big difference. A commendable effort by Brenda in taking her first small step by writing Come Into My World - a book that provides an outlet for many unheard voices of parents and siblings of autistic children, and the children themselves. Join her as she brings you into the children's world with the hope that one day you will include them in your world.
Phoon Kok Hwa, Director, Candid Creation Publishing
I finished reading the book in one day, because the stories were so compelling with the authors writing from their hearts. I'm positive that this book will move many people.
Lai Phooi Ching, Director, Language and Communication Centre, Nanyang Technological University
I finished your book this afternoon. I began last night and almost could not put it down. It was riveting. Reading chapter one brought tears to my eyes to realize that the teacher who patiently coached us through our phonetics was the same person who faced such challenging circumstances at home. I can only say that I deeply respect you for your perseverance, faith and cheerful optimism. I pray that I would always be sensitive to the special needs of these special people, to understand them and help them in every way I can.
Suzannah Chua, Kindergarten Teacher and Student with SEED Institute
Unflinchingly frank and deeply moving, this collection of 31 accounts is poignant yet realistic. A must-read for every parent and for anyone who has an interest in autism.
Grace Ng, Lawyer
I've seen so many kids with ASD through the years but always as an outsider looking in. The stories in the book opened a little window into what it's like to live with a child who has ASD and I loved the honesty and heartfelt words. It's wonderful that you were able to get so many parents to open up and share their struggles. Thanks for the book and the insight into the life of a parent!
Melissa Tan, Behavioral Therapist
Brenda, wonderful! I bought your book last Sunday and read it over Chinese New Year. Sometimes I was touched to tears, sometimes I laughed out loud and had a hard time explaining it to my wife. I have just handed her the book for her own reading. Many of your stories show that hard work and dedicated help can make autistic people happier, stronger, more compatible with the rest of the society. The book is a pleasant read and also an eye-opener. It is informative, one very good way to help families with autism gain more support and empathy in our society.
Alexander Schlag, Aviation Engineer
Just a note to say how much I enjoyed your book. For me, to enjoy a book means it is readable, fun, sad, interesting and provides challenges to my thinking. The struggles to understand what Autism means, to find teachers who understand, to help extended families understand are loudly shared through the print and the style of the writing that immediately drew me into the stories. I think the lasting image in my mind from this reading is the inner strength parents hold because of the intensity of the love they have for their child and the absolute faith in the child and that child's capabilities whatever they are.
Helen Bernstone, Senior Lecturer, SEED Institute
I must tell you that I am deeply touched by your book. The collection of 31 stories hits even closer to the heart since they are stories from Singapore families. I have worked with children with special needs and it is often painful to see what these children and their parents go through. It would be most helpful if there is someone with the right knowledge and experience to guide such families through the journey. This book illustrates the struggle in accepting the diagnosis to the heartwarming hope and strength of the families in overcoming the odds. It serves in many ways as an excellent guide and support.
Kenny Ong, Counsellor
I finished reading the book in one sitting. The book has touched some very raw nerves for me. My son has just been diagnosed as having high functioning autism and my husband and I are still questioning ourselves "why", "who" and "what". Basically whatever we feel have been summed up in your book. I still grieve from time to time but I hope to read more of such "chicken soup" and enjoy a really good cry at night.
Cheryl Lai, Homemaker
Thank you for the great book. My wife and myself have been taking turns to read the real stories in your book. They are so good. It brings us to tears to know there are so many out there wrestling with their children's special needs and many of them have modeled for us what it means to trust God and journey on. I especially like the story from the guy with three autistic children, who is doing his PhD on autism. I think all parents (regardless of whether or not they have a kid with autism) should read the book. And you write so well; you should write more!
Goh Hock Chye, Executive Director, Campus Crusade Asia Ltd
I really believe that your book will touch many hearts, just as it has touched mine and that one day our society will be more receptive and gracious in helping us cope with life's daily challenges in taking care of our special kids.
Merinda Tan, Single Parent of Girl with Rett Syndrome
Thank you for sharing the book and all the inspiring stories behind the patients we see. I am humbled and touched by the stories. My kids also learnt a lot reading the book.
Vanessa Tan, Pediatrician
From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much for writing this book and letting me know how other parents feel and deal with the situation. Especially useful are those chapters expressed by ASD grown-ups. I never knew that normal noise and touch can be so unbearable to them. It dawned on me that my boy may have sensory problem too.
Rachel Yip , Homemaker and Mother of Four-year-old Autistic Boy
I have found some of the other books written by authors from the US, UK or Australia a bit heavy-going and technical for parents who are new to the diagnosis. Yours is much easier to read and more relevant. The stories give insight and hope, and it makes a difference for parents to know that they are not the only ones going through this journey.
Mae Wong, Consultant in Child Development and Neonatology
I promote your book actively because many people have found strength in it. If you hear what some people said about how much the book has helped them, you would be in tears.
Melissa Gunadesa, Director, Colourful Hearts
Just wanna drop a note to say how much I enjoy reading your book. In fact I couldn't help but keep turning the pages; I'm nearly halfway through the book now. It really gives me deep insight not just into the struggles (and unconditional love) of parents with autism kids, but reveals the wide spectrum of autism and methods tried out by different parents.
Bevyln Khoo, Singer and Songwriter
Brenda has compiled a touching and honest collection of personal accounts from parents, siblings and individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. It chronicles their challenges in navigating this journey, coming to terms with autism, their resourcefulness and incredible strength. I believe that this will be an encouraging read for families, teachers and many others.
Sung Min, Program Director, Neurobehavioural Clinic (Autism Services), Institute of Mental Health